Okay, previously on LOTS, that evil witch Shota let R&K know that there is a prophecy that the Seeker will be betrayed by his Confessor. Kahlan, of course, is still very much freaked out cause she looooves Richard. She has a nightmare that she actually kills him and Richard wakes her up and tries to comfort her. Awww! And yeah, the shippiness of this episode starts right away and pretty much does not stop. Even when our couple is separated.
I love how relieved Kahlan is that it was just a nightmare and how she sort of grabs him to hold on for dear life. And he's wonderfully comforting to her. Aww!
I killed you!
Good thing it was just a dream.
Richard is so sweet and dreamy!
Kahlan, I know we haven't known eachother long, but in my whole life there is no one that I've trusted more, cared about more...
Hot kiss alert!
Richard looks so cute after their 1st kiss no wonder Kahlan stares at him, licks her lips and then grabs him! I love the look of surprise on his face when she just grabs him for another kiss. Richard also licked his lips before the first kiss- I bet you in real life, these two want each other big time. LOL.
But of course, Kahlan stops the hot make out and is all distressed and tells Zedd she's leaving. I appreciate the fact that even Zedd who's totally against them, is super sad Kahlan is leaving and tries to get her to stop.
As you can imagine, Richard is NOT happy about Kahlan leaving. He tries to get her to admit that their kiss the previous night meant something to her but she lies and tells him she doesn't have any feelings for him. Richard is crushed :(
He goes to complain to Zedd, but before he can get any info out of him, Denna appears! Denna's a Mord Sith & She has a special weapon that's called an Ageil.
Anyways, a Mord Sith can render magic and so she pretty much kicks Zedd's and Richard's asses and Zedd has to make himself disappear and Denna kidnaps Richard.
Ouch! It's definitely very painful to see Richard get tortured by Denna. Craig Horner acts the heck out of these scenes. He probably wasn't very comfortable anyways being half-naked and strung up like a piece of meat.
Kahlan goes in search of another Confessor to take over her duties as the Seeker's protector. She finds one in charge of this whole village and convinces her to switch places with her. Meanwhile, Richard learns never to trust a fellow Mord Sith prisoner and gets tortured some more :(
So, Kahlan winds up finding out that this other Confessor has confessed the whole town she's protecting, which has basically turned them into her slaves. Kahlan does not approve. But before she can do anything about it, Zedd shows up and tells her Richard has been captured :( Kahlan is very distressed.
Okay, so I shouldn't have enjoyed this next scene so much cause technically Richard is being tortured but guess what he's dreaming of to help him through the torture? That's right, he's having a super sweet fantasy of Kahlan. He loves her so much.
Unfortunately, Denna does not find this daydreaming at all sweet, so she wakes Richard up and tries to get him to tell her who he was dreaming about. She threatens him with her Agiel and tells him if she touches his heart with it, he'll die. Richard tells her she can't do that because Darken Rahl wants him alive and then basically laughs in her face.
Oh, Richard, how do you find time to be so cute when being tortured? Anyways, Denna's ticked and "kills" him with her agiel.
Of course, Richard doesn't really die because Denna has the power to bring him back to life using the "breath of life."
Richard's weak and winds up telling her about Kahlan. Denna rains on his parade by telling him how they can never be together.
Has she confessed you? Is that why you love her?
No. Kahlan would never do anything to hurt me. She would never need magic to make me love her.
Then she forces Richard to dream of her instead of Kahlan to deal with the torture. Ugh.
Denna also gives Richard a little of her Mord Sith back story and I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for her but I totally did not. She's still a b*tch who tortured Richard. And later she tries to kill Kahlan. So I don't think so.
Kahlan still does not want to risk the confessed villager's lives. So she convinces Zedd to give her some time alone with Richard, so that she could break him out of Denna's hold.
So, Denna's basically still alternating between torture and love. I actually do think she started falling for Richard since after he really does become her "love slave" he is super sweet to her. She's impressed.
But yaaay, then Kahlan shows up all pretty in her white dress. I guess she had time to change? LOL.
Kahlan tries to bluff and scare Denna but it doesn't work. She then tries to kill Denna, but OMG Richard saves Denna and then uses the Agiel on Kahlan!
But- Richard just hurt Kahlan to save her since he knew she was outnumbered and Denna's men would kill her. He tries to get Kahlan to confess him because he's losing himself more and more to Denna and fears he'll kill Kahlan, but Kahlan adamantly refuses. She believes he could break free on his own.
I'd rather be your slave than hers!
This scene is sooooo heartbreaking. The way they grab eachother through that little door is so sweet. They're so in love, its not even funny. And how heart wrenching it is for Kahlan not to choose to confess him, even though she knows they're probably both dead.
While Kahlan's with Richard, Denna's men kill the other Confessor :( All the people she has confessed are freed and they run away. What I found interesting is that the man who was in love with her while he was confessed still stuck around trying to help her. He still loved her. He probably loved her before he was confessed.
Denna tells Kahlan she's screwed. First she will be tortured and then killed. But Denna says Richard can grant Kahlan a merciful death and kill her.
Richard tries to kill Kahlan but can't make himself even though Denna's ordering him to! Yaay! How do these two still manage to look gorgeous while all bruised & broken?
End her pain, Richard!
But, suddenly, R & K stare into eachother's eyes and Richard breaks free of Denna's hold completely!
This scene is sooooo lovely. And the tear that falls down Richard's cheek? Sigh.
Then R & K fight! Because you just know it's not a LOTS episode without them fighting :)
Before Denna can kill Kahlan, Richard totally withstands her magic and uses his sword to kill her. I love his reactions when he kills Denna- anger, joy, even a little sadness.
Next comes maybe my favorite scene of this whole episode!
I love how they stare at each other. I love how Richard breathes a sigh of relief and then gives a small smile because he's okay and he's with his Kahlan. I love how he just throws himself on her shoulder, so tired. And I love how sexy and hot this scene is even thought they're all bloody and dirty and sweaty :)
And finally, R & K discuss Kahlan's big secret, which Richard now knows. Everything's out in the open now and they love each other, but Kahlan makes it clear to Richard they must never act upon their feelings.
We can never let our guard down. We have to bury them. Can you do that?
Well, if there's one thing I learned from Denna...it's how to suffer in silence.
That was just such heartbreaking star crossed love. Unfortunately, Denna is revived by another Mord Sith.
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