Okay, so shockingly, this episode does not have that much R&K. It's mostly a Zedd episode, which I guess is okay, but I'm glad it doesn't happen every week. Sorry Zedd. Anyhow, we still get some cute R&K moments.
What'd you do that for? I had him.
It looked to me like he had you.
This is what I was afraid of.
That I'd save your life?
That you'd let your feelings for me get in the way of the mission.
They find a journey book, which Darken Rahl uses to send messages back and forth to his men. Using blood! They decide to send a fake message back and when Kahlan goes to cut her hand, Richard freaks, lol.
What're you doing?!
The magic of the journey book only works when the words are written in blood.
Then we'll use mine.
I thought you weren't being overprotective.
I love how Kahlan laughs at him and just goes and cuts her hand like its the most normal thing ever. That's cause she's bad ass.
Then R&K talk about what it would it mean if they actually killed Darken Rahl. Kahlan's all "you can go off and find someone to start a family with." Oh, Kahlan, he's already found you.
But, of course, they don't kill Rahl, they don't even see him. They're not going to be killing Rahl for a loooong time. They wind up rescuing a girl, Rachel, who helped Zedd smuggle out the third box of Orden. And then they're reunited with Zedd. Yaay! Seriously, though, sometimes I don't even think about Zedd being with them. I think I have R&K goggles on :)
No going home yet.
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