Saturday, May 30, 2009


Episode 6: Elixir

In this episode, Richard is bratty about using magic to further the cause. He's all for it, Kahlan is against it. Richard is all "but you confess people all the time" and Kahlan's like "I was born with this power" and she tries to steer Richard down the right path of magic use.

Richard is training, all sweaty and shirtless. The best kind of training! And damn, he's pretty ripped.
So, not only do we get half-naked Richard, Richard gets to see Kahlan naked, like OMG. She's all shocked and he's all tongue-tied and he lets someone steal their horses.

Kahlan, about back at the river---I didn't see anything.
Richard, you should never lie to a Confessor.

Seriously Richard we all know you can't keep your eyes off Kahlan, let alone when she's naked.

So they're forced to go to this town called Drendril, where the people have been corrupted by magic peddlers and they're all magic hungry. Kahlan is forced to confess this bad guy that bought their horses.

Richard is all WTF, even though by this point he really should know what Kahlan can do. Anyways, he asks Zedd to explain Kahlan's power. Zedd tells him to ask her himself, which he tries to do, but then they're assaulted by bad guys who kidnap Zedd.

When they wake up, they take a moment to be super cute. I love how Richard looks into Kahlan's eyes all lovingly. I bet he wanted to kiss her right then.

Richard & Kahlan argue some more about magic. Kahlan almost lets it slip that she has a big crush on him, But they get interrupted.

Richard, you've seen what these potions can do...
I know you want to protect me, cause I'm the Seeker---
It's not just because you're the Seeker. Richard, I---

Despite all of Kahlan's lecturing, Richard still wants to use magic to find Zedd. I kind of don't blame him. Still, Kahlan has a point. The dude is The Seeker, he should just use his innate Seeker skills.

Kahlan is pissed off and is kind of ignoring Richard, until her love slave shows up and hits him. In the first cap below, doesn't it look like Richard & Kahlan just had sex?

Are you angry with me?
I'm not angry.
Your forehead wrinkles when you're upset.

When Richard wakes up, they take another moment to be super cute again

Then they argue some more about magic and finally Richard is like, "fine, the elixir I took is wearing off anyways. I'll just use my memory."
Then they fight some bad guys again.

Hand holding above, yes? Aww, I thought so.

So they fight and Kahlan's poor love slave dies. But they ultimately prevail and save the town of Drendril.

Kahlan even gets Richard's pendant back (that boy loses his pendant constantly. Okay twice so far, but considering its his last link to his father, you'd think he'd be more careful).

Kahlan's all happy because they won the day, until Zedd comes and ruins her mood by telling her she better put an end to her little flirtation with Richard. Kahlan gets very sad :(
Zedd always has to ruin the moment doesn't he.

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