Saturday, May 30, 2009


Episode 7: Identity

Once again, Richard & Kahlan spend most of this episode apart as Richard swaps identities (unwillingly) with the son of a resistance member. But I think it still provided some good points for their relationship, plus they share a super cute scene towards the end.
Also, in this episode they find out about Shota's prophecy.

Of all the magic in the world, none is more powerful than love.

Oh, Zedd, you're so cheesy. He tells this to Gryff when he finds out he's getting married, but R & K totally look at each other cause they're in looove. Also, Gryff even mistakes Kahlan as Richard's significant other when Richard complains that he may never get to do what Gryff does- get married, have kids.

So, this sorceress called Shota shows up and warns Richard that he is going to die if he goes to Calabra, which they are planning to infiltrate to get to Darken Rahl.
When Richard doesn't heed her warning, she offers Gryff a chance to swaps identities with Richard. Gryff is super happy cause he does not want to get married and he thinks being the Seeker is awesome.

Now, it was a little annoying that neither Kahlan nor Zedd figured out that Richard wasn't really Richard, especially since Gryff was such a douche, but I'm glad they did this identity switch episode early on when I can sort of understand why Kahlan couldn't tell right away.
Richard's WTF faces are especially great in this episode.

So while they are separated, Richard is forced to marry Gryff's fiancee and Kahlan almost kisses fake Richard! She then feels forced to finally confess her big secret of why they can never be together- cause if she ever experiences a moment of complete ecstasy with him, she'd lose control of her powers and Richard would be her slave, sadly.
But of course, she confesses this to fake Richard. Oh, the drama.

But yaay, R & K are reunited and then they fight bad guys again! LOL.
I do appreciate how gracefully Kahlan fights. She's awesome.

I love how Richard checks his reflection in the water again and he's all "yep, I'm my hot self again."

I love how Richard and Kahlan look at each other, and how Richard is not happy that Kahlan was glad he got "married" and asks if she's ok.

Heard you got married.
It was a lovely ceremony...I just had to do what I had to, to get back to you and Zedd.
I'm glad you did.

Unfortunately, they actually didn't accomplish their mission in this episode. Darken Rahl's men get one of the Boxes of Orden, which are 3 boxes that contain powerful magic. If Darken Rahl gets all 3, they're screwed.

In the forest, they run into Shota, who comes with a warning of a prophecy.

It is written that the Seeker will be betrayed by the one closest to him. You will be betrayed by the one in white.

Dun dun dun. Kahlan fuuurrreaks out! And she's like nooo way!

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