Thursday, October 8, 2009


Episode 10: Sacrifice

R&K (and Zedd) encounter the Mother Confessor and the remaining (3!) Confessors. Apparently, Darken Rahl has killed/hunted them all. Mother Confessor wants to go into hiding, which Kahlan doesn't agree with. Luckily, she has her mission and says she is going to stay by Richard's side. I love that when the Mother Confessor asks R&K look at eachother like "wtf! no way are we separating!" and then Richard gives a little smile cause he know Kahlan's not leaving him.

Then, coincendentally (btw, its so funny how R&K always happen to just run into all these peeps) they encounter Kahlan's sister, Denee's lover. He's still confessed, which means, omg, Denee is still alive. Of course, Kahlan wants to find her (using one of those sprite thingies from the first episode. And I think sprite is the wrong word but I forgot.) but the Mother Confessor isn't having it and tries to tell her to focus on her mission, which is to protect the Seeker on his mission. Richard's all, "well, my mission right now is to save Denee" and Kahlan (and I!) swooned.

Richard's super supportive of Kahlan and tries to calm her down, especially since Kahlan blames herself for leaving Denee behind. The sprite thingy leads them to a D'Haran prison and omg, they decide to infiltrate it by dressing Kahlan up as a Mord Sith! And it was Richard's idea! And wow, that outfit looks really uncomfortable, yet sexy.
Kahlan, (and Bridget Regan) obviously enjoyed playing the part :)

And yaay, they find Denee, whose pregnant! Kahlan is thrilled. And Richard's all happy to meet his future sister-in-law. Aww.

They travel for a bit and have to stop cause Denee has to give birth. Of course, lol.
I do love how Richard takes charge though and Kahlan's like "Have you dont this before?!" and he's like "Duh, I lived on a farm!" LOL.
Unfortunately, the birth of the baby only makes Richard happy. That's cause it's a boy. And boys are no-nos for Confessors. Cause they're evil and will mis-use their Confessor powers. So they must be killed. Richard's shocked. Especially since Kahlan goes along with it.
Needless to say, they fight about it. I think this is their very first BIG fight.

Richard leaves to create a diversion for the Demmin Nass (bad guy) and the men who are after them. He trusts Kahlan and believes the baby will not be harmed until he returns. Unfortunately, Kahlan totally lied :( Richard's piiisssed and runs away with the baby.

Kahlan goes off to find Richard.
It's too dangerous to rely on hope!
Hope?! Isn't that what we're fighting for? Kahlan- I was a child that was hunted. Darken Rahl tried to kill me because of his blind faith in prophecy.
Are you asking me not to believe in prophecy?
No- I'm asking you to believe in me.

And, of course, Kahlan believes in him :) Especially after seeing how cute he is with the baby. Stop being adorable Richard!

But then...the Mother Confessor shows up with Zedd. Now, by this point, the MC has pretty much gone off her rocker. She confesses Zedd (omg!) and is going to make him hurt Richard unless Kahlan hands the baby over.
BTW, I love how cute Richard is here, when he's all "Aww Zedd, I don't want to fight you!" LOL.

What I also loved? That the MC knows that Kahlan is in love with Richard. They must be suuuper obvious, man.

You have betrayed your order Kahlan. Who are you to question my judgment, when yours is so obviously impaired by your feelings for the Seeker. You would forsake everything you believe, everything you've lived for, for a man who could never love you?

It shouldn't be a difficult decision, Kahlan. Saving the man you love.
Kahlan heartbreakingly hands the baby over :(

I'm so sorry Richard- but I couldn't let them hurt you.

It's not your fault.
With Zedd confessed, the sword of truth gone...its hopeless.
There's always hope.

There totally is hope cause then Denee and the other Confessors show up to help them save the baby. They wind up using Demmin Nass and his men to go after the MC. Kahlan confesses Demmin Nass finally (though unfortunately he's killed like right away!).

They go after the MC, who's totally a crazy evil witch now and Denee's lover kills her. They still show respect and give her the proper funeral and then they pick Kahlan as the new Mother Confessor, cause, duh, she's the bestest best.
Kahlan's super honored. And damn, her hair looks awesome even under the cape.

Unfortunately, Kahlan and Denee mus say goodbye again because Denee, her lover and their son are going off to some deserted island where their son wont be able to harm anyone. Or so they think. If this show lasts many years or if they time travel, I bet you that kid comes back and is all evil and they're going to be like "omg, what did we do?"

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